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One workout plan doesn’t work for everyone. That’s why we offer the largest variety of fitness programming in the area. You’re sure to find something fun that helps you meet your goals. Our weight rooms house 6 lines of weight equipment, and each of our more than 80 pieces of cardio equipment has a built-in television screen. Try a group fitness class – we offer more than 100 each week. Take advantage of our 20 lap lanes and get your workout in the water. Strike up a game of racquetball, or join our pilates classes.

Our member consultants meet with every new member, so don’t worry if you’re not quite sure where to start. We’ll help guide you to the programs and services that fit you best. We’ll also help you stay on track with your workouts, and we’ll suggest new workouts and programs when you’re ready for the next step.

Click the links on the left to find out more about Ochsner Fitness Center's Programs!